You have already taken an enormous step towards your healing by beginning to look for a therapist, so before anything, take a moment to pause and acknowledge your efforts and love for your self.

You have struggled to feel seen, understood, cared for and appreciated in your relationships/at work/school.

You are constantly pouring your care and energy into others and not getting the same care/energy in return.

You feel depleted and no matter how much you focus on yourself, things still don’t seem to go your way.

Or you find it difficult to feel your emotions, and make yourself busy so you can at least feel productive.

You want to feel more confident and comfortable with yourself and taking up space.

You want to feel at ease and liberated.

You want to feel seen, understood, and connected to others.

But, you don’t know where to start or what to do.


As a 2-SQT/LGBTQ+ Affirming, Anti-Racist, Trauma-Informed, Intersectional, and Liberation-Based therapist, I acknowledge that systemic harm, like white supremacy, generational trauma, and the violence and abuse that is perpetuated by oppression can have deep, lasting scars that impact our relationships with ourselves and others.

I hope to help you resist this harm by helping you remember and RECLAIM your ANCESTRAL WISDOM, trust your own intuition, and learn how to comfortably and confidently create more space for you to live your life as liberated as possible. My philosophy is that our own healing and liberation has the ability to also transform our relationships with others and break cycles of intergenerational trauma.

At Alchemy Psychology Colectivo, Inc. we believe that healing happens in relationship and in community. Hence, we view therapy as a sacred exchange of energy that can help you learn more deeply about you heart, mind, body and spirit and how they are interconnected.

At Alchemy Psychology Colectivo, Inc., we honor the deep roots of our ancestral stories, recognizing that healing is not just a personal journey but a collective one—woven through generations. Each individual's struggle is a thread in the tapestry of family legacies, and by embracing our histories, we unearth the wisdom our ancestors left behind. Intuition becomes our guiding compass, leading us to reclaim not only our narratives but the innate gifts and strengths inherited from those who walked before us. This dance between our past and present allows us to cultivate a profound sense of belonging, as we learn to trust the quiet whispers of our hearts. In this sacred space of love and liberation, we nurture meaningful relationships with ourselves and each other, forging connections that transcend time and open paths to transformative healing.

We hope you join you on your journey of healing and liberation.

Person standing in front of colorful mural with heart and the word 'LOVE' painted on metal bars, wearing black pants and a white shirt. The mural includes a cartoon character and words "Enrique Chiu Arte Un Mundo Sin Muros."

“I was lucky enough to work with Dr. Laura Minero for about two years. I had worked with several providers previously, but she really stands out. I went through some major loss & many major stressors in my personal life right at the beginning of our work together, and she was instrumental in helping me cope with all of that. Additionally, as a trans man, having a specifically trans-inclusive provider absolutely changed the game. While I was late enough in my transition that it wasn't a regular topic of discussion, Dr. Minero wrote the letters for both gender affirming operations I have undergone, which I wouldn't have been able to have without her help. Additionally, her social justice background was blended perfectly with her mental health expertise. In a particularly heavy depressive episode earlier this year, I told her some of what was plaguing me, and she brought up the work of activists I look up to & concepts that are heavy in their work, including not only self-care as part of community care, but radical hope. The latter especially was instrumental in a lot of my journey & healing since then. I cannot express how grateful I am for the time I worked with Dr. Minero, nor can I recommend her enough. There is always more to be said, but to make a long story short, she's a wonderful therapist who helped me through some of the most challenging times of my life.” - Prior client, Age 17-19

Client Testimonial

Woman with long blonde hair wearing a black hoodie, sunlight in background

Individual Therapy

Smiling couple outdoors, woman piggybacking man, both wearing braces, trees in background.

Couples Therapy

Mother and daughter smiling closely together.

Family Therapy